The Art of Defiance Part 2: It is Time to Rise Up.
When is it time to rebel against a corrupt tyrannical government?
It is manifestly obvious that our own legal system is being used as a weapon against the People of the United States; a two-tiered “injustice system” is engaged in egregious abuse of power. Blatant political persecution previously unthinkable in our Republic—arresting and jailing political opponents—warrants an immediate, decisive response if our nation is to survive.
As Dinesh D’Souza launches his new documentary, Police State—as we witness the unspeakable armed invasion of family residences, and the imprisonment of citizens in gulags while the real criminals walk free—We the People MUST stop this cancerous tyranny before it grows even more powerful.
It is past time we decisively crush the Police State.
But do we fight with mere civil disobedience, or is it time to take up arms against our own government, as did the Founders of these United States?
The answer to these questions is not hard to find; we can draw on the Architects of our Freedom for sure and certain guidance.
The Law of the Land was made for the People, to protect us; we were not made to be subjects under it.
We don't have to guess how and when to respond; we can know. We have precedent—from Cicero to Thomas Jefferson—to guide us as to the appropriate response to our government when it becomes abusive. We do not just have a right to stand against infringements of our liberty, we have a duty. As Samuel Adams asserted:
“The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks," he said. "We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.”
The Law of the Land was made for the People, to protect us; we were not made to be subjects under it. Yet, the Founding Fathers understood a truth repeated throughout humanity’s history: Tyrants will use the law itself to bludgeon people into submission; it is their nature to do so.
"Law is often but the tyrant's will," wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1819. "And always so when it violates the right of an individual."

Common Law is the Default "Rule of Law"
Our Founding Fathers understood that under normal circumstances, the Rule of Law is necessary, but they also understood that the law and the legal system would be used by tyrants as weapons against individual rights.
But what can the people do when judges and governing authorities fail to perform "the most sacred of duties of a government," which Jefferson said "is to do equal and impartial justice to all its citizens"?
Thomas Jefferson answered this question for us.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen," he wrote. The Rule of Law is a term spoken with a certain hushed reverence as to something sacred, fixed, and immutable. Nevertheless, it is contingent on its fidelity to another Law.
"But it is not the highest," continued Jefferson,
"The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation."
Clearly the authors of the Declaration of Independence recognized there are reasons for citizens to defy legislated laws, appealing to a “higher obligation.”
Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and their contemporaries were keen masters of political science; they were realists who anticipated inevitability of human nature to lust for power.
So, they made "in case of emergency, break glass" provisions whereby individuals could defy laws misappropriated in violation of the Social Contract between people and government.
American author, mathematician, and political commentator, Dr. James Lindsay told Jan Jakielek in an August 19 Epoch Times article that undermining the public's faith in the Rule of Law is the goal of the Left.
True enough.
But then Lindsey presents a dichotomy: You either submit to the Rule of Law or you rebel against it, thereby giving the Left cause to arrest, indict, and imprison you.
"The swift and varied legal actions taken against former President Donald Trump as he navigates his campaign for 2024 reelection" is in part to “provoke the American public into giving up the rule of law," he says.
"That vertical target is to undermine the rule of law," he asserts, "undermine Americans’ belief in the rule of law, undermine some freedom that allows them to step in and take control."
As Lindsey sees it, the goal is to have people believe “the rule of law is off the table,” and take matters into their own hands, after which their actions will be used against them, “just like they did on January 6.”
Yet James may not have considered a third option.
The Highest Law: The Standard in Time of Crisis
Simply put, in time of crisis we can and must appeal to the Highest Rule of Law, variously known as "Divine Law," "God-given Law," "Natural Rights," and "The Law of Nature and Nature's God," as the Declaration of Independence called it.
Our country is in danger—not our “democracy,” which is the rule of the mob over the individual—but rather our Republic which was founded upon protecting the rights of the individual. Because tyrants are depriving people, like many of the J6 defendants, of due process and imposing politically motivated cruel and unusual punishment, the “laws of necessity” and “of self-preservation” oblige us to respond to these outrages with a firm resolve to adhere to Divine Rule of Law.
Continuing his quote above, Jefferson wrote,
"To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property, and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."
It is for this very reason that Jefferson also said that, “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive.”
Clearly, we are in such a time where Common Law is being used against the American People to undermine the sacred rights our Creator has endowed to us, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
Clearly it is time to practice the Art of Defiance as our Forefathers did.
The government crosses a sacred line when it degenerates from the Rule of Law to Rule by law.
Witness the events at Runnymede, England in 1215 when an alliance of fed-up barons and clergymen seized control of London and forced King John to acknowledge their God-given rights. Magna Carta was special because it held the king accountable to the Rule of Law, just like everyone else. The most famous and important of 63 clauses in the charter enshrined the rights of "free men" to justice and a fair trial.
Our ancestors also came to such a juncture just prior to July 4, 1776, and it made revolution a necessary course correction. While many people seem to think of the Revolutionary War as a "tax rebellion," it was in fact a second English civil war, whereby the people of the American colonies recognized that Common Law was being routinely weaponized against them. They weren’t having it (and neither should we).
The Declaration condemned the Crown "For abolishing the free System of English Laws...establishing therein an Arbitrary government...abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments," including "suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever." Furthermore, the Crown they said, "obstructed the Administration of Justice."
Rule by Law Must Not be Tolerated
The government crosses a sacred line when it degenerates from the Rule of Law to Rule by law. Today we speak of lawfare: using the law as a weapon against the people, instead of to protect them. We have seen this in the "pretended legislation" of mandates, a two-tiered justice system, and use of the courts for political persecution. It is expressed today through the weaponization of the "administrative state," an army of overbearing bureaucrats. "He has erected a multitude of New Offices," reads the Declaration, "and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance."
When power-hungry officers and administrators of the law abuse it, their version of the law ceases to be obligatory.
The appropriate response at this stage is civil disobedience—open defiance predicated on loyalty to the Highest Law. This does not constitute abandoning the Rule of Law, but rather, adhering to the Source by which it is judged. At this stage, the government has betrayed the Rule of Law's major charge to restrain government and protect the People, just as King John learned 808 years ago.
In obedience to the Rule of Law that protects our Liberty, we must defy Rule by law through civil disobedience in massive numbers—and that may include refusing to pay unjust fines or go to jail under politically motivated sentencing.
Does this mean that we are abandoning the Rule of Law? By no means! We are upholding it!
Am I promoting anarchy? Absolutely not; I am promoting Law of a higher order. Lawfare itself, which is rule by arbitrary power, leads to chaos and anarchy.
John Adams asked,
"Will the spirits of the people as yet unsubdued by tyranny, unawed by the menace of arbitrary power, submit to be governed by military force?” His answer was emphatic and clear: “No.”
"It is the will of the nation which makes the law obligatory;” wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1799. Likewise, “It is their will which vacates or annihilates the organ which is to declare and announce it."
Simply put, when power-hungry officers and administrators of the law abuse it, their version of the law ceases to be obligatory.
Most people have been so conditioned to a slavish devotion to “Rule of Law” that they lack the will to break the chains of lawfare designed to strip them of their fundamental rights. We must find the will to be defiant against tyranny as one man in particular practiced like an art form.
Samuel Adams had the will to be defiant.
Known as the "Father of the American Revolution" Adams was—in the eyes of the authorities—a real problem. His passion for Liberty and Justice made him unbreakable. His commitment to Natural Law led him to defy Boston Governor Gage’s attempts both to bribe and to prosecute him.
General Gage received peremptory orders from the government to arrest Samuel Adams and "his willing and ready tool," John Hancock. They were to be sent to London to be tried for high treason. A London newspaper predicted that their heads would soon be separated from their bodies. The “authorities” intended to seize Adams and Hancock at Lexington on the morning of April 19. However, Paul Revere tipped them off, and they escaped, making their way to Philadelphia in time for the second session of the Continental Congress.
Like our Forefathers, we cannot allow a warped and broken mockery of the People’s Law to abide in our midst. Without violence, if at all possible, we must, fellow citizens, practice the Art of Defiance. Individually, we must adhere to the self-evident Natural Laws and stand together against the present tyranny.
It is the only way. It will require uncommon courage and devotion to our founding principles. It will call us to live those words rarely heard these days, “who more than self, their country loved…”
Walking the Talk: I AM a Samuel Adams Patriot
In defiance to this manifest tyranny, I will NOT submit to the crooked rule by law imposed on me and my family. I encourage all Patriots to follow my lead and stand together in righteous rebellion. I have been arrested twice for exercising my First Amendment right to speak out against tyranny and corruption, and even sat through a kangaroo court trial for standing up against the abusive treatment of our children by schools and school boards.
Take a look at a portion of an article about the "magistrate" the crooked administration of Pima County assigned to me. True to her nature, this incompetent, ideologically driven buffoon afforded nothing approaching a fair trial, and demonstrated all that the Magistrate Commission testified to.
This is a free Republic where everyone in government answers to the People, and we do not have to tolerate corrupt, abusive, incompetent tiny tyrants any more than Samuel Adams did.
(If you're curious you can watch this video regarding arrest #1 (which was promptly dropped), and a video of Judge Antonio Riojas, regarding the second arrest...Unfortunately, Riojas was not MY judge and I was charged with misdemeanor trespassing and other misdemeanors Hale tacked on.)
I will not ascribe any legitimate authority to anyone so abusive of our sacred Justice System. I have no moral obligation to obey “the temporary masters of the state” when they “are unjust—that is, if they act contrary to the law of nature.” They can pound sand.
Samuel Adams told the oppressive oligarchy of Boston,
“Tell Governor Gage, it is the advice of Samuel Adams to him to no longer insult the feelings of an exasperated people!"
Tell this corrupt government it is the advice of Kelly John Walker to no longer insult the feelings of the exasperated people of our Free Republic!
Kelly John Walker is an American statesman, accomplished writer, branding professional, and entrepreneur. He is Founder of FreedomTalk, Host of FreedomTalkTV, and a contributor to The Epoch Times. Kelly holds a BA in English & Theology, and a Master of Science degree on a graduate fellowship with the US Department of Defense. He had a distinguished career as a conservation professional before founding two award-winning advertising agencies.